• + - Integrated service systems

    Brisbane Domestic Violence Service is committed to ensuring the system supports you.

    Through an interagency approach to domestic and family violence (DFV), Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) works with other services within the Brisbane region to support people with their risk, safety and other primary needs when they are experiencing DFV.

    The integrated service response (ISR) model was designed to build interagency response and awareness of services and to enhance integration of secondary service systems such as housing and homelessness, domestic and family violence, health, legal, drug and alcohol, Primary Healthcare Networks (PHNs) and culturally specific services.

    Some of the ways we do this includes streamlined communication, development and sharing of domestic and family resources and information, meet and greet events and more.

    BDVS is the lead agency for the Brisbane region high risk team. The HRT is a team of multi-agency services including Queensland Corrective Services, Queensland Police Service, Child Safety, Department of Justice and Attorney General (Courts), Department of Housing & Public Works, Youth Justice, Queensland Health and Victims Assist Queensland. The HRT works in a case coordination model sharing information and developing a single multi agency support plan, to respond to the safety needs of individuals and ensure wherever possible accountability for those who are using violence within the relationship.

    If you need support, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    As part of our work here at BDVS, we hold responsibility for bringing together services across the Brisbane region to share information, practice wisdom, services provision, increase referral pathways and support the ongoing improvement of our integrated service system (ISS) to ensure women and children experiencing domestic and family violence receive a smooth, appropriate and timely response when they connect with our systems for support.

    View the integrated service system model.

    In order to support this process, we produce a monthly newsletter that has over 670 subscribers. If you are working in the sector and would like to sign up to our ISS Newsletter, please email us.

    Carmen first met Jenny from Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) in a time of crisis. Read Carmen's story.

  • + - Systemic reform and adaptive change

    An important part of our work at Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) is advocating for systemic reform.

    BDVS are in a unique position as a regional domestic and family violence (DFV) service to identify areas in the system where improvements are necessary to enhance the safety of people affected by DFV, and advocate for change and improved outcomes for the whole of our community.

    Some of the successes we have had with systemic reform and adaptive change: